Naturally Super, Intervista del 7/05/2010

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view post Posted on 7/5/2010, 10:51

Naturally Super

THERE is definitely something supernatural about Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins. Something that has to be seen to be believed. Something that can't be explained in earthly terms. What could it be?

Oh, that's right. They're all out-of-this-world gorgeous.

That's probably why we put up with all their demon-hunting and ghoul-slaying on the hit show Supernatural, now nearing the end of its fifth season on SingTel mio TV.

Because good triumphs over evil. And the pretties always defeat the uglies.

Take their co-star Jim Beaver as supporting evidence. While he is a very distinguished gentleman of mature age, I think we can safely say Beaver is not the chief eye candy on the set. And Ackles and Padalecki pull pranks on him every chance they get - some involving actual toe-pulling.

As Dean and Sam Winchester, not only do Ackles and Padalecki roam the countryside in search of demons let loose from the bowels of hell, they also grapple with the nuances of their fraternal relationship. Beaver plays Bobby Singer, also a demon hunter and the brothers' surrogate father since the death of their real father.

This season, Collins, who plays the angel Castiel and the brothers' ally, has been upgraded from a recurring character to a series regular. The pretties always win.

But for Ackles and Padalecki, a new challenge is on their agenda - a challenge, some would say, even scarier than battling evil: Marriage.

At the time of this interview, Padalecki was unable to be present because he'd just gotten hitched. And Ackles said that he, too, would be getting married in the summer to actress Danneel Harris.

Does that finally put the rumours of a romantic relationship between Ackles and Padalecki, goaded by racy fan fiction about Dean and Sam traversing the Internet, to rest? "I don't read it," said Ackles. "I was told about it once, and I'm like, 'I think it's better if I just ignore all that stuff altogether.' Obviously, I focus on what is actual."

Like slaying rampaging demons intent on wreaking havoc. Ugly ones.

Supernatural is available any time on demand through SingTel mio TV's Season Pass. Call 1800 737 1111 (9am to 9pm daily), or visit any SingTel shop to sign up. Log on to for details.

Your show has a huge cult following. What do enamoured fans say to you?

Jim Beaver: They want to know if spooky things ever happen on the set. Well, sometimes there's like a carpenter with his butt crack showing, but that's about as spooky as it gets. They call Hollywood the Dream Factory, and we're sort of in the factory end of it.

Jensen Ackles: This is not a show, from my experience, that gets a lot of attention from young people so much as an older demographic - you know, men and women in their 30s and 40s. I get 16-year-old girls coming up to me and going, 'My mum loves you.' It's great because mums pay the bills .

Misha Collins: I actually got a letter from someone who said they had been in a bad accident - they were in the hospital - and they imagined my character, the angel, standing by their bedside, and that gave them some strength and helped them pull through. I got a few messages like that, which have been quite touching and meaningful.

Do you like to be scared by horror movies and demon-filled shows like Supernatural?

Collins: I can't watch horror movies. I get scared. I went out with a bunch of guys from college to watch the movie Se7en, and I literally had to crawl between the rows of seats and cover my ears because it was just terrifying for me. When I was catching up on Supernatural to find out what happened before my character was introduced - because I hadn't watched it previously - I would sit down in the evening and watch three or four episodes, and then have nightmares. And even now that I'm on it and have read the scripts, when I watch it, it still scares me.

Ackles: That's because he's a wimp.

What sort of pranks do you play on one another off-screen?

Beaver: I was shooting a hospital scene in the third season - a very heavy, dramatic scene - and I was in the hospital bed doing my long, dramatic speech, and Jared was at the end of the bed twisting my toes and about to break them off, and trying desperately to get me to break. Now I've got a reputation as the guy who doesn't break.

Ackles: We totally changed all of Jim's dialogue. None of the cue lines were the same, and he had to try to remember his lines without any of the cue lines. Oh, yeah. If we get an opportunity to make things difficult for Jim, we definitely take advantage of that.

Jensen, why do you like your character, Dean? It seems he's always grumpy.

Ackles: Because I get to be grumpy all day long. I've always been attracted to those kinds of characters: The reluctant hero; the hero that isn't perfect. Not the Supermans and the Captain Americas, but the Indiana Joneses, the Hans Solos, and the ones that have a little comedy when saving the girl, not always doing it in the classiest way. He's not a James Bond guy. He's going to get nicked up and bruised and shot and cut, and he's going to have a hell of a time doing it. I think that allows for a comedic aspect of what is a more dramatic character. And as an actor, I like to have comedy and drama in the same character, and Dean has lent himself to just that.

While Supernatural is about a cosmic battle, it also has very human storylines. What do you think it is about the extreme situations Sam and Dean find themselves in that let you explore such intimate relationships?

Ackles: Well, you put these average Joes into these crazy situations, and you see what a normal person would do in a not-so-normal situation. And then I think that lends itself to the dramatic aspect of the characters finding a connection with each other and with what they're dealing with. If we had a show about two guys that just drove around in a car all day and nothing happened, I don't think it would be a hit. It's a crazy situation that most people in their normal life would never experience. I think that's why people enjoy films and television.

view post Posted on 7/5/2010, 11:32

Rue Royal, New Orleans


Ok, quindi Misha è un cagasotto sostanzialmente :asd: Cavolo, non è manco un horror Se7en! :XD:
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view post Posted on 7/5/2010, 13:12

muahahahha me lo immagino a vedere le puntate di Spn, tutto impaurito.. ma la cosa che mi fa ridere è che ha paura pure mò che fa parte del cast!!!
view post Posted on 7/5/2010, 15:49

hahaha infatti, se7en l'ho visto anche io :P
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